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JT assembly that includes Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) that can replace the need for 2D drawings. The inclusion of both part and assembly PMI as well as Model Views in the original CAD file enables downstream consumers to access the managed information directly from a JT file without the risk of altering it. The combination of Siemens PLM Software’s NX, Teamcenter, and JT2Go enables a truly paperless environment. Additional capabilities for consuming the PMI directly into manufacturing use cases is enabled by Tecnomatix solutions.
This model is an original design created in Solid Edge over a period of 5 weeks. The original styling was done in a single day! Though it is inspired by many great American cars of the 1930’s, the design is indeed original but draws from the 1934 Ford for the front fenders, the 1936 Auburn 852 Speedster for the tail section, and the 1938 Cord 812 for the side fender profile. The front fenders can be blanked in JT2Go for a more “roadster” look.
This model was developed to demonstrate the surface modeling and lofting capabilities in NX. NX’ native support for JT makes it easy for our customers to automatically update the JT files when the CAD model is modified.
The Reciprocating Saw example is a single JT file that includes all of the individual components as well as the product structure for the assembly. This is called a "monolithic" JT file. This is a convenient way of distributing a complete assembly for viewing.
The Radial Engine example also includes a monolithic. The product structure allows the user to turn any combination of components on or off.
The 2 Cylinder Engine consists of an assembly JT file with product structure but references the individual part JTs from a single sub directory. This is referred to as a "shattered" JT file and is the default type. The product structure of a JT file enables multiple JT assemblies to reference the same component files. As these files are modified and updated, the assemblies will be updated as well. One of the ways to represent these assemblies is with PLM XML.
PLM XML is a powerful interoperability format for distributing PLM data. One of its flexibilities is to define sub-assemblies of JT files that may be unique relative to the product structure. The 2_Cylinder_Engine_Example folder contains 2 examples of this (2_Cylinder_Engine1_Internals.plmxml and 2_Cylinder_Engine2_Externals.plmxml). Some of the other capabilities are shown in the 2_Cylinder_Engine3_Exploded.plmxml file. This example includes exploded transformations and transparency that have been added to the assembly from the PLM XML file.
PLM XML is an open, published, and free set of XML schemas that is used for interoperability between PLM systems. Learn more about PLM XML.
These example files show how JT files can be used in the embedded viewer to extend the value of 3D to an audience of people who normally wouldn’t use a viewer. Consumers of JT data like managers, executives, or purchasing people can use the 3D data in JT Documents to do their jobs more effectively.
The Quote Example embeds a JT file directly in a Microsoft Word document to show how a 3D model would add to the clarity of a request for quote. Simply download the example and double-click on the image embedded in the Word document to activate the JT viewer
The Parts List Example uses a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to highlight how a 3D JT file can augment such a list. Simply download the example and double-click on each of the embedded viewing windows to activate them.